Meaghan Sullivan: " If anyone is in the DC area and need any help at all please call me at (202) 491-8551 and I know a ton of other Tulane alums in the area that would do whatever they could to help anyone that needs it."
Laurent Demosthenidy: "I'm fine and in central louisiana. . . planning on getting out to San Diego. " Laurent can be reached at [email protected].
Katherine Mattes and her daughter, Colleen, are safe in California. Katherine's husband, Jeff, is an ER doc who stayed behind. No word on when Jeff will be evacuated.
Glynn Lunney is safe in Houston.
Felice Batlan is safe in New York.
Jean Broussard is safe in Lafayette.
Alan Childress is in DC suburbs (of VA) and his kids are fine in Houston.
Ray Diamond and lots of N.O. family are safe with him in B.R.
Michael Collins is in Charlottesville, VA.
David Gelfand and his family are safe in Atlanta.
Jane Johnson and David Marcello report that they are "ok" in Thibodeaux.
Scott Sherman is safe in Philadelphia.
Abaigeal Van Deerlin reports that she and her boyfriend and son are safe in Macon, Georgia. She also reports that Hank Morse is in Houston.
Sarah Roy is with her family in Lafayette.
Aylin Acikalin (TLS '04) & Steven Maklansky are safe in Galveston, Texas.
Michael (3L) and Theresa (3L) have evacuated to Layfayette to stay with Michael's relatives. We're attempting to get in touch with all of our Tulane Law School friends, but we're having trouble because of the cell phone traffic. Please please ask people to post phone numbers and non-Tulane Law (or big Tulane) email addresses!!! Mine is [email protected]; Michael's is [email protected] (cell 504-920-4941)
Claire Adams, Seth Johnson and Theresa G live on 1029 Burdette Street (70118) in uptown New Orleans; if anyone has any further updates about that area, please let us know! We know that several professors and students live in and around the Burdette/Carrolton/Freret area and we worry for their safety and property.
* For any Tulane Law Student who would like to join a listserv, Michael is trying to compile a list; students please send your non Tulane emails to [email protected] *